With cleansing isichitho off from your self you will need attain various ingredients that you will use to help you out
cinnamon powder
Brown Sugar
2 eggs
and methylated spirit
After get a dish and mix all these ingredients in it when done Bath with it all while bathing Make sure you not in your pees (women) bath the whole body as you talking each and every thing you want as you sending it back to the sender ,Do this cleansing in the Evening when the sun has fallen off
When done Bathing with it then steam your self still talk each and everything as you steaming and steam for 3 days still in the evening as the sun ha fallen when done
Take 24 hours without being inmate or dont rush visiting your lover take 2 days when all ritua has grounded then you can go visit him if you staying with him talk to him to wait for you only two days such that you two can be inmate again
NB Uma singasuki woza ngikusize ,Whatsapp me ku 0731826876 Makhosi
vika isichitho singasebenzi kuwe 0731826876
xosha isilwane nomoya omubi,Buyisa isithandwa sakho in days noma ngabe sahamba nini.uma ufuna kwenzelwa yimi uyakwazi ukuthi usende ithombe nenkanyiso ngikwenzele
Susa umnakwenu okuhluphayo endondeni yakho okubangisayo ngiyakusiza kumsusa bese senze i babazi libheke wena wedwa whatsapp ku 0731826876
Uma singasuki woza ngisize ,Whatsapp me ku 0731826876 Makhosi